Source code for ftrack_application_launcher

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2014 ftrack

import sys
import pprint
import re
import os
import ssl

import subprocess
import collections
import base64
import getpass
import json
import logging
import platform
from operator import itemgetter
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

import ftrack_api
from ftrack_action_handler.action import BaseAction
from ftrack_application_launcher.configure_logging import configure_logging
from ftrack_application_launcher.usage import send_event


#: Default expression to match version component of executable path.
#: Will match last set of numbers in string where numbers may contain a digit
#: followed by zero or more digits, periods, or the letters 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'v'
#: E.g. /path/to/x86/some/application/folder/v1.8v2b1/app.exe -> 1.8v2b1
DEFAULT_VERSION_EXPRESSION = re.compile(r'(?P<version>\d[\d.vabc]*?)[^\d]*$')

    'hiero': '/application_icons/hiero.png',
    'hieroplayer': '/application_icons/hieroplayer.png',
    'nukex': '/application_icons/nukex.png',
    'nuke': '/application_icons/nuke.png',
    'nuke_studio': '/application_icons/nuke_studio.png',
    'premiere': '/application_icons/premiere.png',
    'maya': '/application_icons/maya.png',
    'cinesync': '/application_icons/cinesync.png',
    'photoshop': '/application_icons/photoshop.png',
    'prelude': '/application_icons/prelude.png',
    'after_effects': '/application_icons/after_effects.png',
    '3ds_max': '/application_icons/3ds_max.png',
    'cinema_4d': '/application_icons/cinema_4d.png',
    'indesign': '/application_icons/indesign.png',
    'illustrator': '/application_icons/illustrator.png',
    'houdini': '/application_icons/houdini.png',
    'unreal-engine': '/application_icons/unreal_engine.png',
    'unity': '/application_icons/unity.png',
    'rv': '/application_icons/rv.png',
    'harmony': '/application_icons/harmony.png',

[docs]def prepend_path(path, key, environment): '''Prepend *path* to *key* in *environment*.''' try: environment[key] = os.pathsep.join([path, environment[key]]) except KeyError: environment[key] = path return environment
[docs]def append_path(path, key, environment): '''Append *path* to *key* in *environment*.''' try: environment[key] = os.pathsep.join([environment[key], path]) except KeyError: environment[key] = path return environment
[docs]def pop_path(path, key, environment): '''Remove *path* to *key* in *environment*.''' env_paths = environment.get(key) if env_paths: environment[key] = os.pathsep.join( [ existing_path for existing_path in env_paths.split(os.pathsep) if existing_path.replace('\\', '/') != path.replace('\\', '/') ] )
[docs]class ApplicationStore(object): '''Discover and store available applications on this host.''' @property def current_os(self): return platform.system().lower() @property def session(self): '''Return current session.''' return self._session
[docs] def __init__(self, session): '''Instantiate store and discover applications.''' super(ApplicationStore, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ ) self._session = session # Discover applications and store. self.applications = self._discover_applications()
[docs] def get_application(self, identifier): '''Return first application with matching *identifier*. *identifier* may contain a wildcard at the end to match the first substring matching entry. Return None if no application matches. ''' hasWildcard = identifier[-1] == '*' if hasWildcard: identifier = identifier[:-1] for application in self.applications: if hasWildcard: if application['identifier'].startswith(identifier): return application else: if application['identifier'] == identifier: return application return None
def _discover_applications(self): '''Return a list of applications that can be launched from this host. An application should be of the form: dict( 'identifier': 'name_version', 'label': 'Name', 'variant': 'version', 'description': 'description', 'path': 'Absolute path to the file', 'version': 'Version of the application', 'icon': 'URL or name of predefined icon' ) ''' applications = [] if self.current_os == 'darwin': prefix = ['/', 'Applications'] elif self.current_os == 'windows': prefix = ['C:\\', 'Program Files.*'] return applications def _get_icon_url(self, icon_name): result = icon_name icon_url = AVAILABLE_ICONS.get(icon_name) if icon_url: result = '{}{}'.format(self.session.server_url, icon_url) return result def _search_filesystem( self, expression, label, applicationIdentifier, versionExpression=None, icon=None, launchArguments=None, variant='', description=None, integrations=None, ): ''' Return list of applications found in filesystem matching *expression*. *expression* should be a list of regular expressions to match against path segments up to the executable. Each path segment traversed will be matched against the corresponding expression part. The first expression part must not contain any regular expression syntax and must match directly to a path existing on disk as it will form the root of the search. Example:: ['C:\\', 'Program Files.*', 'Company', 'Product\d+', 'product.exe'] *versionExpression* is a regular expression used to find the version of *the application. It will be applied against the full matching path of *any discovered executable. It must include a named 'version' group *which can be used in the label and applicationIdentifier templates. For example:: '(?P<version>[\d]{4})' If not specified, then :py:data:`DEFAULT_VERSION_EXPRESSION` will be used. *label* is the label the application will be given. *label* should be on the format "Name of app". *applicationIdentifier* should be on the form "application_name_{version}" where version is the first match in the regexp. *launchArguments* may be specified as a list of arguments that should used when launching the application. *variant* can be used to differentiate between different variants of the same application, such as versions. Variant can include '{version}' which will be replaced by the matched version. *description* can be used to provide a helpful description for the user. ''' applications = [] if versionExpression is None: versionExpression = DEFAULT_VERSION_EXPRESSION else: versionExpression = re.compile(versionExpression) pieces = expression[:] start = pieces.pop(0) if self.current_os == 'windows': # On Windows C: means current directory so convert roots that look # like drive letters to the C:\ format. if start and start[-1] == ':': start += '\\' if not os.path.exists(start): raise ValueError( 'First part "{0}" of expression "{1}" must match exactly to an ' 'existing entry on the filesystem.'.format(start, expression) ) expressions = list(map(re.compile, pieces)) expressionsCount = len(expressions) for location, folders, files in os.walk( start, topdown=True, followlinks=True ): level = location.rstrip(os.path.sep).count(os.path.sep) expression = expressions[level] if level < (expressionsCount - 1): # If not yet at final piece then just prune directories. folders[:] = [ folder for folder in folders if expression.match(folder) ] else: # Match executable. Note that on OSX executable might equate to # a folder (.app). for entry in folders + files: match = expression.match(entry) if match: # Extract version from full matching path. path = os.path.join(start, location, entry) versionMatch = loose_version = LooseVersion('0.0.0') if versionMatch: version ='version') try: loose_version = LooseVersion(version) except AttributeError: self.logger.warning( 'Could not parse version' ' {0} from {1}'.format(version, path) ) variant_str = variant.format( version=str(loose_version) ) if integrations: variant_str = "{} [{}]".format( variant_str, ':'.join(list(integrations.keys())), ) application = { 'identifier': applicationIdentifier.format( variant=str(variant_str) ), 'path': path, 'launchArguments': launchArguments, 'version': loose_version, 'label': label.format(version=str(loose_version)), 'icon': self._get_icon_url(icon), 'variant': variant_str, 'description': description, 'integrations': integrations or {}, } applications.append(application) # Don't descend any further as out of patterns to match. del folders[:] results = sorted(applications, key=itemgetter('version'), reverse=True) self.logger.debug('Discovered applications {}'.format(results)) return results
[docs]class ApplicationLauncher(object): '''Launch applications described by an application store. Launched applications are started detached so exiting current process will not close launched applications. ''' @property def current_os(self): return platform.system().lower() @property def location(self): '''Return current location.''' return self._session.pick_location() @property def session(self): '''Return current session.''' return self._session
[docs] def __init__(self, applicationStore): '''Instantiate launcher with *applicationStore* of applications. *applicationStore* should be an instance of :class:`ApplicationStore` holding information about applications that can be launched. ''' super(ApplicationLauncher, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ ) self.applicationStore = applicationStore self._session = applicationStore.session
[docs] def discover_integrations(self, application, context): context = context or {} results = self.session.event_hub.publish( ftrack_api.event.base.Event( topic='', data=dict( application=application, context=context, platform=self.current_os, ), ), synchronous=True, ) requested_integrations = application['integrations'] discovered_integrations = [ result.get('integration', {}) for result in results if not result.get('integration', {}).get('disable') is True ] discovered_integrations_names = set( [ discovered_integration['name'] for discovered_integration in discovered_integrations ] ) found_integrations = discovered_integrations lost_integrations = [] for ( requested_integration_name, requested_integration_items, ) in requested_integrations.items(): # Check if all the requested integration are present in the one available. dependency_resolved = not bool( set(requested_integration_items).difference( discovered_integrations_names ) ) if not dependency_resolved: lost_integrations.append(requested_integration_name) return found_integrations, lost_integrations
[docs] def launch(self, applicationIdentifier, context=None): '''Launch application matching *applicationIdentifier*. *context* should provide information that can guide how to launch the application. Return a dictionary of information containing:: success - A boolean value indicating whether application launched successfully or not. message - Any additional information (such as a failure message). ''' # Look up application. applicationIdentifierPattern = applicationIdentifier application = self.applicationStore.get_application( applicationIdentifierPattern ) if application is None: return { 'success': False, 'message': ( '{0} application not found.'.format(applicationIdentifier) ), } # Construct command and environment. command = self._get_application_launch_command(application, context) environment = self._get_application_environment(application, context) # Environment must contain only strings. self._conform_environment(environment) success = True message = '{0}{1} application started.'.format( application['label'], ' ' + application['variant'] if application.get('variant') else '', ) try: options = dict(env=environment, close_fds=True) # Ensure that current working directory is set to the root of the # application being launched to avoid issues with applications # locating shared libraries etc. applicationRootPath = os.path.dirname(application['path']) options['cwd'] = applicationRootPath # Ensure subprocess is detached so closing connect will not also # close launched applications. if self.current_os == 'windows': options['creationflags'] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE else: options['preexec_fn'] = os.setsid launchData = dict( command=command, options=options, application=application, context=context, integration={ 'name': None, 'version': None, 'env': {}, 'launch_arguments': [], }, platform=self.current_os, ) results = self.session.event_hub.publish( ftrack_api.event.base.Event( topic='ftrack.connect.application.launch', data=launchData ), synchronous=True, ) # recompose launch_arguments coming from integrations flatten = lambda t: [item for sublist in t for item in sublist] launch_arguments = flatten( [ r['integration']['launch_arguments'] for r in results if ( not r is None and 'integration' in r and 'launch_arguments' in r['integration'] ) ] ) launchData['command'].extend(launch_arguments) self._notify_integration_use(results, application) if context.get('integrations'): environment = self._get_integrations_environments( results, context, environment ) else: 'No integrations provided for {}:{}'.format( applicationIdentifier, context.get('variant') ) ) # Reset variables passed through the hook since they might # have been replaced by a handler. command = launchData['command'] options = launchData['options'] application = launchData['application'] options['env'] = environment self.logger.debug( 'Launching {0} with options {1}'.format(command, options) ) process = subprocess.Popen(command, **options) except (OSError, TypeError): self.logger.exception( '{0} application could not be started with command "{1}".'.format( applicationIdentifier, command ) ) success = False message = '{0} application could not be started.'.format( application['label'] ) else: self.logger.debug( '{0} application started. (pid={1})'.format( applicationIdentifier, ) ) return {'success': success, 'message': message}
def _notify_integration_use(self, results, application): metadata = [] for result in results: if result is None: continue integration = result.get('integration') integration_data = { 'application': "{}_{}".format( application['label'].lower(), str(application['version']) ), 'name': integration['name'].lower(), 'version': str(integration.get('version', 'Unknown')), 'os': str(str(platform.platform())), } metadata.append(integration_data) send_event( self.session, 'USED-CONNECT-INTEGRATION', metadata, asynchronous=True, ) def _get_integrations_environments(self, results, context, environments): # parse integration returned from listeners. returned_integrations_names = set( [ result.get('integration', {}).get('name') for result in results if result ] ) self.logger.debug( 'Discovered integrations {}'.format(returned_integrations_names) ) self.logger.debug( 'Requested integrations {}'.format( list(context.get('integrations', {}).items()) ) ) for integration_group, requested_integration_names in list( context.get('integrations', {}).items() ): difference = set(requested_integration_names).difference( returned_integrations_names ) if difference: self.logger.warning( 'Ignoring group {} as integration/s {} has not been discovered.'.format( integration_group, list(difference) ) ) continue for requested_integration_name in requested_integration_names: result = [ result for result in results if result and result['integration']['name'] == requested_integration_name ][0] envs = result['integration'].get('env', {}) if not envs: self.logger.warning( 'No environments exported from integration {}'.format( requested_integration_name ) ) continue self.logger.debug( 'Merging environment variables for integration {} for group {}'.format( requested_integration_name, integration_group ) ) for key, value in list(envs.items()): action = 'append' # append by default action_results = key.split('.') if len(action_results) == 2: key, action = action_results if action == 'append': self.logger.debug( 'Appending {} with {}'.format(key, value) ) append_path(str(value), key, environments) elif action == 'prepend': self.logger.debug( 'Prepending {} with {}'.format(key, value) ) prepend_path(str(value), key, environments) elif action == 'set': self.logger.debug( 'Setting {} to {}'.format(key, value) ) environments[key] = str(value) elif action == 'unset': self.logger.debug('Unsetting {}'.format(key)) if key in environments: environments.pop(key) elif action == 'pop': self.logger.debug( 'removing {} with {}'.format(key, value) ) pop_path(str(value), key, environments) else: self.logger.error( 'Environment variable action {} not recognised for {}'.format( action, key ) ) continue return environments def _get_application_launch_command(self, application, context=None): '''Return *application* command based on OS and *context*. *application* should be a mapping describing the application, as in the :class:`ApplicationStore`. *context* should provide additional information about how the application should be launched. ''' command = None context = context or {} if self.current_os in ('windows', 'linux'): command = [application['path']] elif self.current_os == 'darwin': command = ['open', application['path']] else: self.logger.warning( 'Unable to find launch command for {0} on this platform.'.format( application['identifier'] ) ) # Add any extra launch arguments if specified. AppLaunchArguments = application.get('launchArguments') if AppLaunchArguments: command.extend(AppLaunchArguments) CtxApplaunchArguments = context.get('launchArguments') if CtxApplaunchArguments: command.extend(CtxApplaunchArguments) return command def _get_application_environment(self, application, context=None): '''Return mapping of environment for *application* using *context*. *application* should be a mapping describing the application, as in the :class:`ApplicationStore`. *context* should provide additional information about how the application should be launched. ''' # Copy all environment variables to new environment and strip the once # we know cause problems if copied. environment = os.environ.copy() environment.pop('PYTHONHOME', None) environment.pop('FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH', None) # Ensure SSL_CERT_FILE points to the default cert. if 'win32' not in sys.platform: environment[ 'SSL_CERT_FILE' ] = ssl.get_default_verify_paths().cafile # Add FTRACK_EVENT_SERVER variable. environment = prepend_path( self.session.event_hub.get_server_url(), 'FTRACK_EVENT_SERVER', environment, ) # add legacy_environments environment['FTRACK_APIKEY'] = self.session.api_key laucher_dependencies = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..') ) environment = prepend_path( laucher_dependencies, 'PYTHONPATH', environment ) # Add ftrack connect event to environment. if context is not None: try: applicationContext = base64.b64encode( json.dumps(context).encode("utf-8") ).decode('utf-8') except (TypeError, ValueError): self.logger.exception( 'The eventData could not be converted correctly. {0}'.format( context ) ) else: environment['FTRACK_CONNECT_EVENT'] = applicationContext return environment def _conform_environment(self, mapping): '''Ensure all entries in *mapping* are strings. .. note:: The *mapping* is modified in place. ''' if not isinstance(mapping, collections.MutableMapping): return for key, value in mapping.copy().items(): if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping): self._conform_environment(value) else: value = str(value) del mapping[key] mapping[str(key)] = value
[docs]class ApplicationLaunchAction(BaseAction): context = [] def __repr__(self): return "<label:{}|id:{}|variant:{}>".format( self.label, self.identifier, self.variant ) @property def session(self): '''Return convenient exposure of the self._session reference.''' return self._session
[docs] def __init__( self, session, application_store, launcher, priority=sys.maxsize ): super(ApplicationLaunchAction, self).__init__(session) self.logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ ) self.priority = priority self.application_store = application_store self.launcher = launcher
[docs] def validate_selection(self, entities): '''Return True if the selection is valid. Utility method to check *entities* validity. ''' if not self.context: raise ValueError('No valid context type set for discovery') if not entities and None in self.context: # handle non context discovery return True if not entities: return False entity_type, entity_id = entities[0] resolved_entity_type = self.session.get( entity_type, entity_id ).entity_type if resolved_entity_type in self.context: return True return False
def _discover(self, event): entities, event = self._translate_event(self.session, event) if not self.validate_selection(entities): return items = [] applications = self.application_store.applications applications = sorted( applications, key=lambda application: application['label'] ) for application in applications: application_identifier = application['identifier'] label = application['label'] context = event['data'].copy() context['source'] = event['source'] if self.launcher and application.get('integrations'): ( _, lost_integration_groups, ) = self.launcher.discover_integrations(application, context) for lost_integration_group in lost_integration_groups: removed_integrations = application['integrations'][ lost_integration_group ] self.logger.debug( ( 'Application integration group {} for {} {} could not be loaded.\n' 'Some of the integrations defined could not be found: {}' ).format( lost_integration_group, application['label'], application['variant'], removed_integrations, ) ) if lost_integration_groups: continue items.append( { 'actionIdentifier': self.identifier, 'label': label, 'icon': application.get('icon', 'default'), 'variant': application.get('variant', None), 'applicationIdentifier': application_identifier, 'integrations': application.get('integrations', {}), 'host': platform.node(), } ) return {'items': items} def _launch(self, event): '''Handle *event*. event['data'] should contain: *applicationIdentifier* to identify which application to start. ''' event.stop() entities, event = self._translate_event(self.session, event) if not self.validate_selection(entities): return application_identifier = event['data']['applicationIdentifier'] context = event['data'].copy() context['source'] = event['source'] return self.launcher.launch(application_identifier, context)
[docs] def get_version_information(self, event): founds = [] for application in self.application_store.applications: all_discovered, _ = self.launcher.discover_integrations( application, None ) for discovered in all_discovered: if discovered not in founds: founds.append(discovered) return founds
[docs] def register(self): '''Register discover actions on logged in user.''' self.session.event_hub.subscribe( ' ' 'and source.user.username={0}'.format(self.session.api_user), self._discover, priority=self.priority, ) self.session.event_hub.subscribe( 'topic=ftrack.action.launch ' 'and source.user.username={0} ' 'and data.actionIdentifier={1} ' 'and{2}'.format( self.session.api_user, self.identifier, platform.node() ), self._launch, priority=self.priority, ) self.session.event_hub.subscribe( 'topic=ftrack.connect.plugin.debug-information', self.get_version_information, priority=self.priority, )