ftrack_application_launcher package


ftrack_application_launcher.asynchronous module


Decorator to make a method asynchronous using its own thread.

ftrack_application_launcher.configure_logging module


Get log directory.

Will create the directory (recursively) if it does not exist.

Raise if the directory can not be created.

ftrack_application_launcher.configure_logging.configure_logging(logger_name, level=None, format=None, extra_modules=None)[source]

Configure loggerName loggers with console and file handler.

Optionally specify log level (default WARNING)

Optionally set format, default: %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s.

Optional extra_modules to extend the modules to be set to level.

ftrack_application_launcher.discover_applications module

class ftrack_application_launcher.discover_applications.DiscoverApplications(session, applications_config_paths)[source]

Bases: object

property current_os
__init__(session, applications_config_paths)[source]

ftrack_application_launcher.usage module

ftrack_application_launcher.usage.send_event(session, event_name, metadata=None, asynchronous=True)[source]

Send usage event with event_name and metadata.

If asynchronous is True, the event will be sent in a new thread.

Module contents

ftrack_application_launcher.DEFAULT_VERSION_EXPRESSION = re.compile('(?P<version>\\d[\\d.vabc]*?)[^\\d]*$')

Default expression to match version component of executable path. Will match last set of numbers in string where numbers may contain a digit followed by zero or more digits, periods, or the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ or ‘v’ E.g. /path/to/x86/some/application/folder/v1.8v2b1/app.exe -> 1.8v2b1

ftrack_application_launcher.prepend_path(path, key, environment)[source]

Prepend path to key in environment.

ftrack_application_launcher.append_path(path, key, environment)[source]

Append path to key in environment.

ftrack_application_launcher.pop_path(path, key, environment)[source]

Remove path to key in environment.

class ftrack_application_launcher.ApplicationStore(session)[source]

Bases: object

Discover and store available applications on this host.

property current_os
property session

Return current session.


Instantiate store and discover applications.


Return first application with matching identifier.

identifier may contain a wildcard at the end to match the first substring matching entry.

Return None if no application matches.

class ftrack_application_launcher.ApplicationLauncher(applicationStore)[source]

Bases: object

Launch applications described by an application store.

Launched applications are started detached so exiting current process will not close launched applications.

property current_os
property location

Return current location.

property session

Return current session.


Instantiate launcher with applicationStore of applications.

applicationStore should be an instance of ApplicationStore holding information about applications that can be launched.

discover_integrations(application, context)[source]
launch(applicationIdentifier, context=None)[source]

Launch application matching applicationIdentifier.

context should provide information that can guide how to launch the application.

Return a dictionary of information containing:

success - A boolean value indicating whether application launched
          successfully or not.
message - Any additional information (such as a failure message).
class ftrack_application_launcher.ApplicationLaunchAction(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseAction

context = []
property session

Return convenient exposure of the self._session reference.

__init__(session, application_store, launcher, priority=9223372036854775807)[source]

Return True if the selection is valid.

Utility method to check entities validity.


Register discover actions on logged in user.